Wide World of Quotes > Francisco de Quevedo Quotes

Francisco de Quevedo
Spanish poet and novelist of the Baroque era

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Donde hay poca justicia es un peligro tener razón.
Where there is little justice it is dangerous to be right.

El amigo ha de ser como la sangre, que acude luego a la herida sin esperar que le llamen.
The friend must be like blood, that goes straight to the wound without waiting to be called.

El amor es fe y no ciencia.
Love is faith, not science.

Hay libros cortos que, para entenderlos como se merecen, se necesita una vida muy larga.
There are short books that, to be understood as they deserve, require a very long life.

No hay verdadero amor donde hay alguna sospecha.
There is no true love where there is suspicion.

No es menos ofensiva arma la caricia en las mujeres, que la espada en los hombres.
The caress is no less offensive weapon for women caress than the sword is for men.

Poderoso caballero don Dinero.
Powerful knight Lord Money.

Quien no ama con todos sus cinco sentidos a una mujer hermosa, no estima a la naturaleza su mayor cuidado y su mayor obra.
Who does not love a woman beautiful with all the five senses does not respect in nature its great dedication and its great work.

Quien pierde la honra por el negocio, pierde el negocio y pierde la honra.
Anyone who loses his honor through business loses business and loses honor.

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Withdrawn into the peace of this desert,
along with some books, few but wise,
I live in conversation with the deceased,
and listen to the dead with my eyes.

-- Francisco de Quevedo, From the Tower

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The selection of the above quotes and the writing of the accompanying notes was performed by the author David Paul Wagner.

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