Wide World of Quotes > Henry Fielding Quotes

Henry Fielding
English novelist, dramatist and magistrate

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Love and scandal are the best sweeteneers of tea.
-- Love in Several Masques (1728)

Oons, sir! do you say that I am drunk? I say, sir, that I am as sober as a judge.
-- Don Quixote in England (1731), Act III, Scene xiv

I describe not men, but manners; not an individual, but a species.
-- Joseph Andrews (1742), Book III, Ch. 1

I have found it; I have discovered the cause of all the misfortunes which befell him. A public school, Joseph, was the cause of all the calamaties which he afterwards suffered. Public schools are the nurseries of all vice and immorality.
-- Joseph Andrews (1742), Book III, Ch. 5

He in a few minutes ravished this fair creature, or at least would have ravished her, if she had not, by a timely compliance, prevented him.
-- Jonathan Wild (1743), Book III, Ch. 7

To whom nothing is given, of him can nothing be required.
-- Jonathan Wild (1743), Book II, Ch. 8

When I mention religion, I mean the Christian religion; and not only the Christian religion, but the Protestant religion, but the Church of England.
-- Tom Jones (1749), Book III, Ch. 3

Thwackum was for doing justice, and leaving mercy to heaven.
-- Tom Jones (1749), Book III, Ch. 10

What is commonly called love, namely the desire of satisfying a voracious appetite with a certain quantity of delicate white human flesh.
-- Tom Jones (1749), Book VI, Ch. 1

His designs were strictly honorable, as the phrase is; that is, to rob a lady of her fortune by way of marriage.
-- Tom Jones (1749), Book XI, Ch. 4

Republic of letters.
-- Tom Jones (1749), Book XIV, Ch. 1

That monstrous animal, a husband and wife.
-- Tom Jones (1749), Book XV, Ch. 9

It hath been often said, that it is not death, but dying which is terrible.
-- Amelia (1751), Book III, Ch. 4

The devil take me, if I think anything but love to be the object of love.
-- Amelia (1751), Book V

When widows exclaim loudly against second marriages, I would always lay a wager that the man, if not the wedding day, is absolutely fixed on.
-- Amelia (1751), Book VI, Ch. 8

One fool at least in every married couple.
-- Amelia (1751), Book IX, Ch. 4

Illustrious predecessors.
-- Covent Garden journal (11 January 1752)

"For it is very hard, my lord," said a convicted felon at the bar to the late excellent judge Burnet, "to hang a poor man for stealing a horse." "You are not to be hanged sir," answered my ever-honored and beloved friend, "for stealing a horse, but you are to be hanged that horses may not be stolen."
-- The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon (1754), Introduction

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The selection of the above quotes and the writing of the accompanying notes was performed by the author David Paul Wagner.

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